Explore activities and resources especially for 7-9 year olds

Welcome to a new area of the Barefoot website, designed to simplify the process of finding resources. Activities are organised by age phase, making it easier to search by the specific age group you teach. Within each age group, you will find activities grouped further by areas of the curriculum or theme. We hope that this organisation of activities helps streamline the search for relevant resources, enabling you to locate materials you need easily.


Write and test code to create software, automate tasks and solve problems using languages and tools


These activities are based around Scratch, a visual block-based programming language, where programs are built up by dragging together command blocks.

Carbon Quest 2

Carbon Quest

Pupils collect data to investigate their school’s carbon emissions and program an animation in Scratch to share their findings.

Scratch Tinkering Activity

Pupils tinker with Scratch to find out what it does and how to create programs in it.

World Map Logic Activity

Pupils look at logical reasoning to predict what sequences of commands do, and then program them.

Fossil Formation Animation

Pupils program animations showing fossil formation, learning to implement algorithms as code, and sequencing commands.


Accessible Adventures in Coding

Pupils explore how an accessibility tool created in Scratch Jr can help a child with visual impairment.

Shapes & Crystal Flowers Repetition

Pupils design algorithms to draw patterns made of repeating shapes before programming them in Scratch.

Classroom Sound Monitor

Pupils create classroom sound monitors to take information from an input sensor, and alter the output of the program


Programming activities using the micro:bit, a pocket sized computer with a range of inputs and outputs.


LKS2 Barefoot meets micro:bit - Wildlife animations

Pupils program the micro:bit’s LEDs to display a simple animation inspired by wildlife and using repetition commands.


Learn how to implement algorithms as code through the Kodu programming environment. 

Kodu Game Selection Activity

Pupils design and create a simple game in Kodu and play and evaluate each other’s games.

Kodu Tinkering Activity

Pupils tinker with Kodu to find out about this programming language.


A collection of activities designed to introduce pupils to the basics of computer networks, including key parts of the system.

Network Hunt Activity

Pupils go on a hunt around school to discover, and map the location of, devices connected to their school’s network.

Investigating Outputs

Pupils learn about output devices and create a program to control a LEGO Education WeDo motor using Scratch.

Investigating Inputs Activity

An investigation of different input devices, where pupils create programs using device inputs in their code.

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Selecting Search Activity

Pupils learn about the basics of how search engines use web crawlers to index the World Wide Web (WWW).

Ranking Search Activity

An unplugged activity where pupils learn about the main factors which influence how a search engine ranks a web page.


Activities to support the processes of gathering, organising and analysing different kinds of data.

Data Dash

Pupils identify data to collect, to investigate whether they are as fast as a professional athlete.


Learn about computing and coding concepts, minus the computer!

Decomposition Unplugged Activity KS2

An unplugged activity in which pupils create sequences of movements, breaking actions down into parts.

Patterns Unplugged: Reusing Recipes

Pupils spot patterns in pairs of similar recipes to identify common steps that they can reuse in new recipes.

2D Shape Drawing Debugging

Pupils follow an algorithm which will include errors and use logical reasoning to detect and correct these.

River Crossing Activity (SEND)

Pupils act out the traditional farmer, chicken, fox and corn problem, developing their logical reasoning skills.

Themed Resources

Cross curricular activities based around a range of themes including current affairs and other relevant topics.

Planet Protectors - Climate

Pupils create a stop motion animation to highlight the impact of plastics in the ocean as part of the climate crisis.


Game On! Commonwealth Games LKS 2

Pupils are challenged to create a digital poster in Canva to promote para sports and the athletes competing.


Digital Doodle

Pupils create digital illustrations of their favourite book characters using a digital drawing application.

Don't Forget!

Short, fun activities designed to teach pupils problem-solving skills such as algorithms, decomposition and patterns

Barefoot Bytes - Age 7-9

Short, fun activities designed to teach pupils problem-solving skills such as algorithms, decomposition and patterns

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