25 March 2025 13:30 - 14:00
Build the Change Session 2 (linked to BtC lesson 5) - Open to all UK Teachers 20 places remaining
Online      Microsoft Teams
01 April 2025 13:30 - 14:00
Build the Change Session 3 (linked to BtC lesson 6) - Open to all UK Teachers 20 places remaining
Online      Microsoft Teams

What are our live lessons?

Join our live lessons to bring our free teaching materials to life in your classroom. These interactive sessions enhance pupils' learning and inspire curiosity with engaging activities, expert guidance, and practical examples. Covering key areas of the primary computing curriculum, each session supports your teaching and captivates your pupils. 

Northern Ireland Live Lessons

A perfect opportunity for you and your pupils to practice computational thinking, coding and digital skills activities together, sharing learning across the curriculum. 

Who does this belong to? Explore e-safety & acceptable online behaviour through games (unplugged, EYFS/KS1)

Winter Warmers: Develop pattern spotting & predicting skills by designing snowmen’s scarves (unplugged, EYFS/KS1)

The Phisherman Game: Link e-safety and cyber security to spot and prevent phishing scams (game-based, KS2)


Build the Change Live Lessons

Linked to our Build the Change resource. Inspire creativity and develop programming skills using Scratch as pupils share their designs for sustainable, accessible buildings.  

1. Exploring Repetition in Programming: Use repetition to bring animations to life. 

2. Planning and Programming an Animation: Design and build a Scratch animation step by step, showcasing pupils’ model ideas. 

3. Evaluating and Improving an Animation: Reflect and refine animations for maximum impact.


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Please register with Barefoot or login here first, then return here to book your place.

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Teacher Testimonials

Take a look at some testimonials received from teachers who have attended our three workshops below.

Early Years

“In Early Years we can be afraid of delivering technology-based experiences as we fear it’s too advanced or we don’t know the correct language to use. This workshop put it into perspective and inspired me to do more.” 

“I found the workshop really useful; it has refreshed my thoughts on technology and given me such great ideas and resources that I’m sure all the kids will love.” 

Computational Thinking

“Even though the course was online, it was interactive and engaging. I liked that we were asked to do some of the activities that you can do with your pupils as it let me see how easy it can be to develop computational skills within the classroom.” 

“It really made me think and help understand what computational thinking is really about.  The clear cross curricular links and how it is often something we are already doing, just not thought of in that way!” 

Programming in Scratch

“I've tried to have several introductions to Scratch before but this one is the best by far - practical projects, videos were great, delivery was clear and interesting.” 

“Really engaging and fun activities that could be used with children. Also, good for developing staff confidence and subject knowledge.”