Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities (TSPC)
Thinking, Problem-solving and Decision-Making
- Sequence, order, classify, and make comparisons
Imagining, Generating, Inventing, Taking Risks for Learning
- Make new connections between ideas /information
Being Collaborative, Being Sensitive to Others’ Feelings, Being Fair and Responsible
- Listen actively and share opinions
- Develop routines of turn-taking, sharing and co-operating
- Take personal responsibility for work with others and evaluate their own contribution to the group
Language and Literacy (F/KS1)
Talking and Listening
- Phonological awareness through Identifying and manipulating phonemes
- Social use of language through initiating and joining in conversations in pairs and groups
- Language and thinking through asking and answering questions, explaining, sharing their thoughts, taking part/contributing to group oral language activities
- Recognise and talk about features of spoken language, showing phonological awareness
- Understand that words are made up of sounds and syllables and that sounds are represented by letters) phoneme/grapheme awareness)
- Talk with the teacher about ways in which language is written down, identifying phrases, words, patterns of letters and other features of written language
- Recognise and notice how words are constructed and spelt
- Begin to problem solve how to write using sound symbol correspondence as the first strategy
- Use a variety of skills to spell words in their writing