Welcome to Barefoot, the home of fun, cross curricular primary and Early Years learning based on Computational Thinking!

Early Years resources Getting Started Video

Explore activities and resources especially for Early Years

We’ve created a range of enjoyable, free resources and activities based around computational thinking concepts and approaches. These help you to teach your pupils the necessary problem-solving skills needed for everyday life. The resources are collaborative, and they offer options for use both in the classroom and at home. They are cross-curricular, so you can slot them into your teaching where you see fit, in order to boost engagement or inject a little bit of something different into the classroom!

Early Years Resources


Age: 4-6 years

Curriculum Links:
Early Years

Concepts & Approaches:
Collaborating, Creating, Tinkering, Persevering, Decomposition, Algorithms, Abstraction

Three spring themed activities allow the children to engage in computational thinking concepts and approaches in fun sessions where they create Junk scarecrows, make and explore a Rabbit run and plant seeds. 

Summer Fun

Age: 4-6 years

Curriculum Links:
Early Years

Concepts & Approaches:
Tinkering, Persevering, Patterns, Logic, Decomposition, Debugging, Collaborating, Algorithms
Children explore their surroundings and get creative, take a journey and make a map, and discover seaside tangrams, in these three fun activities.


Age: 4-6 years

Curriculum Links:
PSHE, English, Science

Concepts & Approaches:
Algorithms, Decomposition, Debugging, Logic, Patterns, Abstraction

Provides four activities that help children discover how bodies move and grow. Using the resources provided they explore and learn about parts of the body, growth and movement.

Simple algorithms are created and adapted to form a routine of movements.


Age: 4-6 years

Curriculum Links:
Science, Maths, English, D&T

Concepts & Approaches:
Collaborating, Creating, Tinkering, Logic, Persevering, Patterns, Decomposition, Algorithms, Abstraction

These handy cards provide key questions to prompt discussion in your classroom linked to the Barefoot computational thinking concepts and approaches.


Age: 4-6 years

Curriculum Links: Maths, English, PHSE

Concepts and Approaches: Algorithms, Collaboration, Persevering, Creating, Pattern, Logical reasoning, Tinkering, Abstraction

Three activities based on our everyday superheroes, which have been designed to help pupils develop their computational thinking skills. Create patterns on a police car, guide a delivery person to their destination and design a uniform for a firefighter!


Age: 4-6 years

Curriculum Links:

Concepts & Approaches:
Abstraction, Tinkering, Persevering, Patterns, Logic, Decomposition, Collaborating, Algorithms

Includes 3 space themed activities to develop pupils computational thinking and problem solving skills. Include creating algorithms to direct a rocket through space and spotting patterns in pictures of aliens. 


Specifically aimed at Early Years this poster breaks down the process of Computational Thinking into key concepts and approaches.


A guide to explain the importance of computational thinking in early years and the terminology used.


Age: 4-6 years

Curriculum Links:
Science, Maths, English, D&T

Concepts & Approaches:
Algorithms, Decomposition, Creating, Tinkering, Logic, Patterns, Abstraction, Collaborating

Takes children on a journey of discovery as they investigate boats. Four activities make up this set of resources. Includes different uses of boats, floating and sinking predictions, creating a good boat through exploring designs and role play.

Unsure about how to use our new Early Years resources
in your classroom? Take a look at the video below!

Watch and see how you can incorporate our Early Years resources into your classroom and how computational thinking builds the necessary skill set your pupils need for everyday life.

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